One of the most popular salads in our cafe. The Garlic Roast Squash, Beetroot, and Carrot Salad with Spinach and Toasted Pumpkin Seeds.


Half a butternut squash
Three whole beetroot
Two carrots
Six cloves of garlic
300ml olive oil
100g baby spinach
Sea salt
Toasted pumpkin seeds


Peel the squash, carrots, and beetroot. Cut the squash into finger size lengths (keep the second half for a soup)
Cut the beetroot into wedges, and chop the carrot into large 1.5-inch chunks.

You will need three trays or casserole dishes; toss the vegetables in the olive oil, keeping a little more for the squash.
Puree the garlic and toss over the squash; season all three trays with the sea salt.
Place in the oven at 170-180 degrees Celsius.

The carrots and beetroot will take approximately 30 minutes, depending on your oven; the squash may take a little longer.

Wash and shred the spinach. Toast the seeds on a tray in the oven and allow them to cool.

Once the veg is all tender, allow it to cool, then arrange it on a platter. Layer squash first, followed by the beetroot and carrot.
Finally, sprinkle the spinach and seeds on top.

This salad is excellent hot or cold; roast vegetables will keep in the fridge for up to 3 days once cooled adequately in advance.
Add it to couscous or rice, or toss it with leaves and goat's cheese for a tasty lunch.

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